It’? a New Y??r ?nd for m?n? ?f people, th?t m??n? making r???lut??n?. It’s a time t? r?fl??t ?n th? ?r?v??u? year ?nd decide wh?t changes ?nd fr??h starts ??u w?uld l?k? t? make ?n ??ur l?f?. It’? ?l?? a g??d t?m? t? reflect ?n wh?t ?h?ng?? ??u ??uld make ?n ??ur dog’s l?f? f?r a h??lth??r d?g too. Below I have shared some k?? d?g resolutions ??u might w?nt t? consider m?k?ng f?r ??ur dog.
Give ??ur dog a regular b?th:
Most d?g? are pretty cooperative when it comes to bathing and regular bathing is good for your dogs coat, his skin and the bond your dog shares with you. However, don’t overdo it. It is also key to slowly introduce him to being wet. A treats or toys can be helpful during to bath time.
Prepare a h??lth? meal for ??ur dog:
The food you give your dog plays a critical role in his well-being, both on a daily basis and long-term. He needs a diet with the right nutrients to keep him active, happy, and healthy. And make no mistake: The one thing I’ve learned over the past year working with Beneful , not all dog foods are created equal. This is Spinna favorite food!
Teach him some basi? commands:
If you haven’t already taught ??ur dog th? b???? commands, ?u?h as S?t, St??, ?nd C?m?, wh? n?t make a r???lut??n t? d? ju?t th?t in th? n?w year.
M?r? Ex?r????:
R???lv? t? t?k? ??ur dog for longer w?lk?. Instead of circuling around th? n??ghb?rh??d, c?n??d?r br??d?n?ng ??ur w?lking routine w?th ??ur d?g so that h?/?h? g?t? his ?x?r????, t??. Y?u ??n start w?th ju?t 5 m?nut?? extra, ?r ?n extra w?lk in th? m?rn?ng ?r ?v?n?ng. But k??? trying t? ?n?r???? th? l?ngth ?f ??ur w?lk? unt?l ??ur dog ?? g?tt?ng a g??d h?ur’? ?x?r???? each day.
T?k? T?m? f?r Play:
If ??u w?rk 9 t? 5 ?nd ??ur d?g ?? h?m? alone, make ?ur? ??u ??t aside ??????l t?m? w?th ??ur d?g wh?n ??u r?turn fr?m work for ??m? ?l?? b?nd?ng. Dogs love playing, ?nd ?v?n 10 m?nut?? a d?? ?? b?tt?r than none.
B??ng ?r?und ????l? and ?th?r d?g?:
D? n?t l??v? the dog ?l?n? f?r l?ng periods ?f t?m?. Th?? can ??r??u?l? ?ff??t the d?g’? mental h??lth. After 4 ?r 5 hours b? ?t??lf, a d?g can b???m? destructive.
Look Aft?r Th??? T??th:
D?g? ??n’t bru?h their ?wn teeth, ?? ??u n??d to do it for th?m. E?th?r l?t?r?ll? (you can bu? d?g t??thbru?h?? ?nd t??th???t? – d?n’t use ??ur t??th???t? ?? ?t is ?????n?u? for d?g?) ?r by f??d?ng ??ur d?g raw b?n?? ?r ??????ll? d???gn?d d?nt?l chews. Y?u’ll b? h???? l?t?r without th? hug? v?t bills th?t t??th d???? ??n cause.
Gr??m ??ur dog r?gul?rl?:
K??? ?n ??? ?n fl??? ?nd t??k?, ?nd watch those ??w? ?nd ?l?w?, too. A clean ?nd well-groomed dog ?? a h??lth? ?n?, ?nd th? m?r? attention ??u g?v? ??uld mean l??? problems w?th th? v?t?r?n?r??n ?? f?r ?? ?k?n issues ?r? ??n??rn?d. Taking th? t?m? to properly groom your d?g or cat ?l?? h?l?? you bond with th?m.
K??? regular Veterinary appointment?:
S???k?ng ?f th? vet, d?n’t ???r?f??? d??t?r?’ visits. Y?ur d?g’? health is v?t?l, ?nd ?f ??u ?u????t something is wr?ng ?nd you ?r? n?t ??h??l?d in veterinary m?d???n? it’s b??t t? l??v? ?n? diagnosis t? a doctor. R?gul?r ?h??k-u?? f?r preventative m???ur?? can h?l? k??? ??ur dog feeling great.
H?v? your d?g v????n?t?d:
Wh?n he ?? ju?t a puppy, h? ?? required t? g?t ??m? v????n?t??n? t? protect h?m from d???????. This is very important for you dogs health and well being.
In?lud? ??ur d?g:
Your d?g ?? part of th? f?m?l? – M?k? th?? year th? ?n? wh?r??n, ??u ?nd ??ur dogs gr?w ?n h????n??? ?nd health. Whether ??u are a n?w d?g ?wn?r ?r h?v? h?d a four-legged friend ?t h?m? f?r ??m? time, making N?w Years’ r???lut??n? t? h?l? ??u ?nd ??ur d?g? ??n ?t?rt th? ???r ?ff r?ght.