? Blog:?www.cookiesandclogs.com
To help us get a better idea of your personality, pleas describe yourself in 3 words.
Friendly, fun, and a bit insecure.
What is the name of your blog and how did you come up with its name??
Cookies & Clogs. I am Chinese (almond cookies) and my husband is Dutch (clogs).
How much personality do you think comes through on your blog?
Probably about 60%.??
What do you think is the best post you?ve ever written????
?Heels or Flats?
?Pepsi or Coke?
Share with us your best stress reliever?
?Sleep – it’s my panacea.??
What is something ?not? a lot of people know about you but you WISH more people did know OR wish they didn?t know?
I was a huge Japanese manga and anime follower/collector for about 16 years (I stopped cold-turkey one year ago).
How old would you like to be if you ?didn?t know how old you were?
Strangely enough, I look my age ^_^?
If your blog managed to disappear would you do it all over again????
Hmm, that’s a good question. I’m not sure. I constantly struggle with ‘my voice’ and online presence. There are things that ‘make it all worth it’ at times as well.??
What do you love the most?
?My family.
Name one thing you can?t live without?
My personal relationship with God (but I only discuss that IRL, not online).??
Are you more like Martha Stewart, Peg Bundy or Rosanne O?Connor?
I wouldn’t call myself a ‘Martha’ but the other two are so, well, not personalities I would like to associate myself with . . .??
If you were a T-shirt, what would it say?? Why?
“Are you sure?” I’m pretty indecisive. Trying to make things ‘easier’, I am always bringing up other suggestions or ideas that just ends up making things more confusing. I’m working on that :)
Now this wouldn?t be happy hour if I didn?t ask?so what is your favorite cocktail??
I actually don’t drink as I don’t like the flavor of alcohol. I do enjoy a virgin Strawberry Daquiri here and there though.
You can find?TerriAnn at?her blog? daily.?? ?Stop by to say hello and let her know I sent you.?? You can also connect with her? on Twitter?@cookiesandclogs??and?FaceBook .
Thanks for the feature, Dee!
TerriAnn…you’re chinese? i didnt realize…totally teasing you. But i am LOLing at your chinese cookie answer….i didnt realize almond cookies were a culture thing?
Love this feature!! I like the meaning behind the name of her blog :)
Great feature of an awesome blogger! I love learning this stuff about people.
Congrats!! I love the reason behind your blog name.
Great feature! She is awesome!
I LOVE her! And I’m sad to say that I share that indecisiveness with her!
What a cute blog name, I never would have thought that’s what it meant!
TerriAnn is so sweet and polite – I ♥ her! :)