My teenage years were spent like most other teenagers ? fantasizing about celebrities and kissing posters on my wall. I had posters all over my bedroom. ?New Edition? was the group of the moment and I honestly thought if Ralph Tresvant could just meet me he would fall in love and we would get married.
I also had posters of variety of other posters but I didn?t kiss those ones. My parents despaired at my poor construction of said posters. Blue tack all over the walls, Sellotape and lipstick marks! They were not happy. I tried to clean the walls but it never worked ? 5-year old tape marks the walls no matter what you do!
A quick poll of my friends shows that popular choices in the 80?s were indeed New Edition, but also pictures of hunky men holding tires and various other cheesy pop stars. Back Street Boys were fairly common as well.
And then of course there was my all time favorite female star? Whitney Houston!
Teenagers may change their clothes, fashion, communication style and music tastes but posters all over your bedroom wall is a common part of growing up.
Even as an adult I have one poster ? it?s in the hallway and is a beautiful image of a sunset which just makes me feel good every time I see it. Visitors always comment on it positively and it only cost me a few dollars.
Posters are great as instead of paying hundreds even thousands of dollars on artwork, you can get great images, photos and so on for a fraction of the price. Great for gift ideas and fantastic to brighten up a home.
Even my kids love posters.? Right now, their walls are plastered with a variety of posters from very sporty cars, to the one and only Michael Jordan, to a pic of some female( who shall remain nameless)? that they describe as hot-whatever!
Posters for some are considered works of art, depending on your perspective.? From cartoon characters that your kids love, bands that most teenagers are crazy about, to classic artists us Moms and Dads adore,? posters like the ones you can find at ? is a great way to liven up a room.? Who says you need to spend a million bucks to add a bit of jazz to your walls!
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I had posters of Duran Duran, Culture Club, The Cure and any other 80s act that a bit edgy. I kept a box full of all my old Star Hits magazines, too. I go through them every few years and it always puts a smile on my face.
I had so many posters on my wall!!!
I had all that blue sticky stuff all over my walls too and yup, it never comes off. My mom wasn’t too happy about that. ;)
I still listen to New Edition, lol.
lol the good ole days!
haha I like this!! Brings back all the memories!!
I wasn’t around in the 80’s {and have no idea who New Edition is lol} but I had tons of Spice Girls pictures {I was convinced I’d be the 6th Spice Girl when they discovered me} and random actors I thought were cute {like Robert Downey Jr., even though I didn’t know who he was at the time}.
I don’t remember having too many posters.
Backstreet Boys was my very first concert!
My mom never let us put posters up. Still bitter!
I had a huge poster of Miami Vice. lol My dad and I watched it every Friday.
I had no posters too cos mum didn’t allow. So we put them inside our cabinets!! =)
My mother didn’t let me put posters on my walls. I did have a few in my walk-in closet though.
Oh, my walls were covered in Michael Jackson & Ricky Schroder!
This post brought back some good old memories. My fav posters when growing were those of (long-haired) Andre Agassi and Sylvester Stallon in Rocky:)