Pampers, Lullabies, and Pandora
Pampers and Pandora have teamed up to bring you Pampers Radio!? On the new Pampers radio station, moms will be able to select either ?Baby Lullabies? to help them sooth newborns or ?Toddler Sing-a-Longs? to entertain little ones. You can find them by searching ?Pampers? on or going to this link.
And what’s even cooler… by listening to either one of the Pandora Pampers Radio stations, you will receive limited-time on-screen offers from Babies?R?Us and Toys?R?Us.?? You can simply listen and save all at the same time.? The Pampers Radio Station featured on Pandora and the limited-time Toys?R?Us and Babies?R?Us offers will only be available until August 12th.
Win It
To help celebrate the new stations, I get to give away $25 gift card that can be used at either Toys?R?Us or Babies?R?Us.
Required Entry:
What is you and your kids favorite lullaby or sing- a- long song?
Optional Extra Entries
Required entry must be completed before extra entries qualify. Leave an additional comment for the value of each extra entry.? Also please be sure to leave your email address with the first entry.
- Like Cocktails with Mom on Facebook and share this giveaway with your friends? 1 entry
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I just entered to #win a $25 gift card to Toys?R?Us or Babies?R?Us to help celebrate the new Pampers radio station on Pandora @MomCocktails? #giveaways
- Comment on any non-giveaway post on Cocktails with Mom. (just tell me what post you commented on)? 1 entry
- List this giveaway on any giveaway site, forum or Facebook ? 2 entries
Open to US only
Make sure to include email address with first entry
Winner will be chosen by random
Giveaway ends 5/24/11 at 11:59 CST
Winner will be emailed and must respond within 48 hours or another winner will be selected.
Disclosure:Procter & Gamble provided the prize for your consideration, as well as any prize provided as part of the promotion.My opinions are my own***
the itsy bitsy spider
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My grandson loves to sing twinkle twinkle little star!
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Hush little baby
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Old McDonald and row your boat are 2 of the favorites
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Amazing Grace
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My kids like to sing all the Yo Gabba Gabba songs. The wiggle song is their favorite. They boogie to that song.
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twinkle twinkle debbie jackson
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my daughter loves old McDonald
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HuSh little baby
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My daughter loves “Happy Birthday”.
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Life Is a Highway from the Cars soundtrack.
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My favorite is The Tale of the Sun and the Moon:
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my kids love- row row row your boat
tcogbill at live dot com
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twinkle twinkle little star
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My daughter likes Row-Row-Row Your Boat. She also likes a little lullaby I made up for her when she was a baby.
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Hush Little Baby for sure. :) Carter loves it when grandma sings it! :) Sweet boy…Grandma cant carry a tune and he still loves it!! :)
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We love twinkle twinkle little star.
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My baby girl loves my husband’s version of Rhianna’s Umbrella. Her name is Eloise and we call her Ella, so he remixed it just for her. :)
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we like twinkle twinkle little star
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our favorite is Twinkle Twinkle
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twinkle twinkle little star!
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Goodbye and Goodnight- I think that’s the title
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We love Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star :)