If you?re that rare parent that has children who are not only willing to study and do homework each night, but they do so on heir own, without any help or encouragement on your part, then you should come back to this article in a few years when your kids starts rebelling.? For the rest of you that have children who either flat refuse to study, lie about their homework, or simply have trouble concentrating on the task at hand, this information is for you!? Most children, at some point, will become more interested in watching TV, playing games, or hanging out with friends than doing their homework or studying for tests.? As a parent it is your duty to ensure that they?re doing everything they can to get good grades and make it to adulthood as capable and learned individuals.? So if you?re having trouble reconciling the desires of your kids with their educational requirements, then here are just a few ways to help improve their study habits.
1.Schedule it in.? Most kids these days have a variety of scheduled activities like sports and music lessons to fill their after-school time.? But homework is the real priority, so make sure to schedule it in with everything else.? Just remember that your children are not machines.? They need breaks, snacks, and other concessions that as an adult, you may forego.? So make sure that they have had a chance to unwind and fuel up before they have to sit down and focus on their homework.
2.Keep a calendar.? Your kids are not bookkeepers.? Without reminders about test dates and projects they can easily forget upcoming events until the last minute.? By putting these important dates on the calendar, you and your child can both stay up-to-date and ensure that proper studying and homework milestones are met in order to avoid cramming at the last minute.
3.Lend a hand.? If your children fail at their studies, you can certainly have them tested for defects or blame the schools, but the truth is that their ultimate success or failure may rest squarely on your shoulders.? It is your responsibility to ensure that your kids have everything they need to be successful, especially when it comes to education, and that means taking the time to check up on their progress frequently (not just when the report card shows up or you get a call from the teacher).? So make yourself available to help with homework and always check what your kids have accomplished before you let them out to play or send them off to bed.
4.Offer praise.? Kids are motivated in two ways: they either want rewards or they want to avoid punishment.? Each child will likely be motivated more by one or the other, but by offering them constructive criticism and solutions when you catch them doing something wrong and giving them frequent (but proportionate) praise when they do things right, you?ll find that your kids are a lot more likely to do their homework (and do it well).
5.Hire a tutor.? This should be your last resort.? But if you work a lot or your children need more help than you can offer (if they face special challenges or have reached a level of study that is beyond your ability, for example) then you need to take steps to ensure that they have every opportunity to succeed in their studies.
Sarah Danielson writes for Go College where you can find helpful information on counseling scholarships and how to go about choosing your college major.
Great tips! Thanks for sharing!
Great tips – my son always needs help!
great tips! I struggle with my oldest who is a teenager
These are great tips, especially number 4…positive reinforcement.
Great tips! I have a 5th grader that can really use some of these.
Great post! It is extremely important to keep up with studying. I think the best thing a parent can do for their child is make studying a priority and get it done before play time. It must be first on the list of things to do.
Wonderful tips!!
I wish my parents would have enforced good study habits when I was younger. I did great in school but rarely cracked a book. When I got in college and the material wasn’t laid out in class like it was in grade or high school I realized I didn’t know how to study.
great tips! My oldest could really use some help
Your tips are all great, very helpful to all parents including me. I already applied those tips except for hiring a tutor. Appreciating what they’ve done gives them an encouragement. The first education of our children comes from us as parents.
I always drop the ball on homework. I am going to keep myself on schedule this year and check their bags every day as soon as they get home, so we don’t have frantic mornings of trying to finish it. Thanks for the tips!
Great tips!