A Wonderful Day, A Joyous Day, A Blessed Day. Six years ago, I gave birth to my “baby boy” Jaylen. Boy! how time flies. It seems just like yesterday when he was attached to my hip and clinging to my legs. They don’t stay you very long.
Jay is VERY excited about turning six today. To him, it symbolizes that he is officially a Big boy! It screams independence and also the fact that MOM would have to be careful about calling him her baby in front of others. Don’t they know, they are ALWAYS our babies? Shhh…don’t let them know that.
Today he gets to share cupcakes with his classmates, another thing he is excited about. We will do a small celebration here since its midweek. I’m off to finish preparation so wish me well.
Today is your Day baby boy. Happy Birthday and I wish you many more!!!
Love Mommy.
Awwww Happy Birthday Jaylen!
Isn't it crazy how fast time flies by…my son just turned 5 in August and I swear it feels like just yesterday I was laid up after having a C-section lol.
They definitely grow fast.
I hope your little one enjoys his special day!
Thanks for the birthday wishes. It really is a special day.
Aww HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jaylen!!! My son's 8th birthday was on the 26th :)
I'm sure he is a sweet then. Happy belated birthday to him.
Happy happy birthday!!! Hope he enjoys his special day :) Ooh cupcakes, what a wonderful way to celebrate with his classmates! Sending birthday wishes his way *cheers*
Thanks for the well wishes everyone. He had a blast. We enjoyed a very nice day.
I am sure he had a great time! :)
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