This post brought to you by Walmart. All opinions are 100% mine.
Talking to children can be enlightening. They are smart little creatures. Just today I spoke to mine about those in other countries and even in our own going hungry and not getting the right nutrition they should be getting.
Because my husband has a pretty decent job we’ve always considered ourselves very blessed to be able to afford the things we need.??The boys are at the age now that they know how it feels not to get everything they want but they were not at the point where they had the full understanding of what it meant to go without.? So to have had thisconversation was very enlightening.? They asked some very good questions and seemed to better understand what it truly means not to have and that hunger is real.
In and effort to help those in need,Walmart, Feeding America and ten of the most recognizable food companies in America have joined forces and are Fighting Hunger Together in an effort to help reduce hunger across the nation.? They are making great strides but can always use your help.
After talking with my children about the different ways we can pitch in to help we headed over to? to vote for a partner agency in our local community. After doing so, we all felt like we had done some good in our community by helping those who need food just as much as we do.
You can help too!
You , your family and all of your friends can?Vote and volunteer to fight hunger this spring with Walmart? by casting one vote per day for those who need food just as much as you do. You can either vote for a Feeding America Food Bank or you can vote for one in your local community. You can also volunteer at your local hunger relief organization by visiting the website above and signing a pledge to volunteer to help those in need.
After voting, come back here and tell everyone that you voted and why you voted. Share your experience with everyone else.
There are millions of people less fortunate than us every day needing nutrition and nourishment. We can make a difference in the world by voting once per day for our favorite Feeding America Food Bank or one in our local community. Why shouldn’t we help? We have food every day and so should everyone else. It is just the right thing to do to help people live better lives in the country and the world.
Don’t forget to go back to the Fighting Hunger Together website and cast one vote every day. Bookmark it if you have to and make it part of your daily routine. 100 Feeding America Food Banks and local communities can win and the winners will be announced in May. Whoever wins will get to share $3 million in grant money to a hunger relief organization. Don’t you want to help them?
It’s nice to see big companies helping the community.