For many, working?from home?is?a dream.?In reality, all it takes is a little research and some determination and you?can find the perfect work at home jobfor yourself! There are both part time jobs and full time jobs you can choose from and they both have their advantages.? You?ll get to spend time with your precious kids, save money and your sanity when finding the right work at home career that’s right for you.
The number of jobs available?are plentiful and?for some the search may seem?overwhelming.??One thing to remember is to make sure you do your research.?If it sounds to good to be true then it probaly is.
To help you get?started, we’ve put together a list of jobs that you can do while staying home with your kids.? These jobs are perfect when considering a career working from home.
Childcare– This is an oldie but a goodie. This is an excellent choice for moms who have small children. You can choose to work from home part time or full time and still be at home with your children. This is not a job for everyone but it sure is a great start to a work at home career. Start babysitting 1-2 kids and slowly build up your ?clientele case.? Kids can be clients too?.right?
Freelance career- When someone thinks of a freelance career, they think only of writing. While writing is an excellent freelance career, there are also other options out there. Basically, take anything you are good at and you can make it a freelance career. Making bows, doing crafts, blogging or even your own laundry washing service are all careers you can do at home. All it takes is a little creativity and time management and you will have your own freelance career in no time. Of course, if you want to write from home, there is that option too. Check out sites like that require little to no experience in writing.
Virtual assistant– This is becoming a highly competitive field in the work at home world. If you love calling people, answering phone calls and responding to emails, then perhaps this is the work at home job for you. Places like Fancy Hands hire virtual assistants to do small tasks for them. Start with a company and then branch out into your own virtual assistant freelance career.
Transcription– This is quite the field to get into right now! There are so many companies who will pay you to transcribe from home. There are small places like Scribie that require only entry-level experience. Transcription is something you can start out small in and eventually get better with. Transcribe while the children are taking a nap or down for an early bed time. ?This is great for extra cash or even a fulltime career.
Believe it or not but this is just a dip in the ocean full of work at home jobs available to you. Working from home does require work and a great attitude but it?s very possible. Overtime, you become an expert in the field and will start mentoring others about the legitimacy of working from home.
We would love to hear your work at home idea! Please share!
I have a lot of respect for work at home moms, I think some people think its the easy solution but I don’t think it is easy at all. As a working mom I know there would be some benefits to being home while I work obviously but there are also obstacles too. Work at home moms have the benefits of being home but they also have all the responsibility of being home too!!
You make a great point Lisa! There are definitely both pros and cons to working from home and you hit it right on the nail. There are days that I feel as if I work harder being home all day. You have your home duties, the kids, as well as your working duties. It definitely takes discipline to keep yourself focused and doesn’t hurt if you have the skill of juggling multiple things at once. I admit- Ilove the leisure of working in my pjs and greeting my kids when they arrive home but do not want folks to think it is just a walk in a park. It is definitly work.
So nice that you posted this ‘real’ article about work at home. There’s so much spam for that because, as you mentioned, many view it as a dream job. Plus, for many stay-at-home equals lazy do nothing in pajamas. Great resources!
My kids are older now, but I always was involved in direct sales (still am). It was a great fit for me and allowed me to be home with the girls while they were growing up. Excellent article :)
Maybe I’m strange, but until recently I’ve never longed to be a Work at Home Mom. It’ just not something that seems to fit me as I really need the interaction and socialization I get at work. However, as my children get older and will start going to school, I find myself longing more and more for the ability to work from home so I can fulfill all of the classic “mom duties” like being there when they come home from school, field trip chaperone, room mother, etc. It’s getting to be something I think more about as they grow.