Are you bored of scrolling the same 3 or 4 apps on your phone? Are you spending more time planning what to watch on Netflix than actually watching anything? You’re not alone.
While our smartphones are entertaining, moving between Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and YouTube can be very tedious and very time consuming. If you’re giving all of your time to these electronic devices rather than spending time actually looking for meaningful things online, you’re not going to be able to entertain yourself – you’re just going to be scrolling between all of these apps!
There’s nothing wrong with being online for fun, but there’s everything wrong with not actually spending any time having fun and spending more time looking for ways to do it. So we put these ten ways you can have fun below so that you can just go and have fun and stop scrolling.
Play an actual game. Playing cards and board games may be a thing of the past for most people, but you can still continue these activities online. Even though the times have changed and games are no longer on the table anymore, you can still get online and play Monopoly or play chess with opponents from around the world. You can play Chequers, you can even play cards, and if you’re good at it, you can play for money at Spinni Online Casino. If you like competition and you want to connect with others, playing a game online is a great way to spend your time.
- Email your friends. Do you remember the age of pen pals where we would send letters across the world and sprayed the envelopes with perfume? Well, we’re not recommending you spray perfume on your computer screen, but you can still send emails and letters across the world. If it’s been a while since you last heard from a friend or family member, go through your address book and start crafting emails to each of them. Although the lost art of writing in pen and paper may have disappeared for most people, it doesn’t have to go completely extinct. You also won’t have to wait days or even weeks for a response.If you don’t know how to reach out to people, you can look them up online on social media first.
- Spend your time learning a new language. Do you really have to doom scroll TikTok when you can instead use apps like Duolingo or other language apps to help you to learn something new. If you want to expand your horizons, start watching your TV shows in the language that you are hoping to learn and start communicating with others online in that country. Having conversations and watching TV shows in the right language can help you to craft your language skills, not just copying by rote.
- Have fun starting your own website. You may not know much about coding, but the Internet is a vast place, which means you can learn whatever you need to know. Head over to YouTube and learn how to use WordPress or other sites so that you can code your own website together and come up with something amazing. Whether you’re well versed in sports history or you love all things fashion from the ages, your website can be about anything that you want it to be about. You don’t have to monetise it, you don’t even have to make it as a business thing. It’s just something to have fun with.
- Do some research. What is it that interests you most? If you’re an enthusiast when it comes to space, why not learn as much as you can about that? If you’re curious to learn about the French Revolution or World War 2, but you don’t live anywhere near a library, you can head online because the Internet has the world’s knowledge all packaged into one place.
- Be somebody else for a day. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to live in another country, why not go online until the galleries, the streets, and even the museums all virtually? Heading over to Google Maps allows you to walk through the streets with Google Earth. If you go to your specified location and find the museums and galleries available, you might be able to find some online tours or a free walkthrough. You don’t have to be you for a day if you can immerse yourself in somebody else’s life for once.
- Build a community. Whether you do this on chat rooms or you head yourself over to the game of Sims, you can build yourself a community and you can even style it the way that you want. From building the houses to living an entire life with your own Sim, you can play online and have many lost hours immersing yourself in the game itself.
- Take some fun quizzes. If you love a good quiz and want to learn more about your own personality, then take personality quizzes online. Which Game of Thrones character are you most like or which Harry Potter house would you be in? There are so many different personality quizzes that you can take online.
- Plan a trip. If you’re finding yourself doom scrolling on board, why not plan to go somewhere? Planning your next adventure is going to help you to understand how much it’s going to cost and it’s going to give you a goal. Whatever your dream trip may be, planning online is a great way to begin because you can research hotels, accommodation, you can research flights, and even how much it will cost to upgrade yourself. Then you can give yourself a savings goal.
- New music. A great way to entertain yourself online is to discover new artists. Sure, they may not be new to everybody, but they’ll be new to you and you’ll get to have a great time listening to their stuff. You can then learn about them, find their website, and even find where their next touring or having a concert is.