As soon as I became a parent, I was instantly more worried about safety and my surroundings. Maybe I was a little na?ve in my pre-parent days, but now I make safety a focus of my home to protect my family. Especially as we get ready for a summer full of family road trips, there are lots of things you can and should do to keep your family safe, but here are three things you might not have thought about:
Prioritize your family?s safety. There are a lot of things I would love to spend money on, like a tropical vacation or a fancy new purse, but my husband and I decided that our family should be the priority. We sacrifice other items to spend a little more money to get the best safety equipment we can, such as a home security system and a car loaded with safety features. Prioritizing your family?s safety doesn?t mean you have to spend your entire paycheck on the newest safety equipment, but it means that you make keeping your kids safe more important than seeing the newest movies and getting the hottest gadgets.
Teach children safety skills. It may sound basic, but one of the best ways to keep your kids safe is to teach them how to do it themselves. This means teaching kids how to swim, how to cross the street safely, how to say no to strangers, and more. In our house, we?ve found these teaching opportunities come naturally through things our kids are faced with every day. We try to build a relationship of trust that our kids can come to use if they have questions or don?t know what to do.
Do your research. I?m not a hyper-diligent helicopter parent, but I?ve found it is easier to keep my family safe when I do my research. I look up potential safety hazards in our neighborhood, know what to do in case of emergency when we go on vacation, and get the names and contact info of my kids? friends and their parents. The more information you have, the better prepared you are in case the unimaginable happens.
In today’s time, you can never be too safe. Thanks for your good family safety tips.