Confetti Eggs
It is not often that I feel the need to start a DIY post with a history/culture lesson but for this one I do. I think the history of these fun little confetti eggs is worth sharing. What follows came from Wikipedia.
Cascarones?or?confetti eggs?are festive, hollowed-out chicken?eggs?filled with?confetti?or small toys. They are rumored to have originated in?China?and brought to?Europe?by?Marco Polo.[1]?In Italy they were first used as a courting ritual, filled with perfume and then capped with wax. Men would throw them at women they found attractive. The custom then traveled to Spain and was later brought to Mexico in the mid-1800s by Emperor Maximilian?s wife. It was in Mexico that the perfumed powder was replaced with confetti[2]Decorated, confetti-filled cascarones may be thrown or crushed over the recipient’s head to shower him or her with confetti. In addition to?Easter, cascarones have become popular for occasions including birthdays,?Halloween,?Cinco de Mayo,?Diecis?is,?Day of the Dead, and weddings (wedding cascarones can be filled with birdseed). Like many popular traditions in Mexico, cascarones are increasingly popular in the?southwestern United States.[3]?For example, they are especially prominent during the two-week, city-wide festival of?Fiesta?in?San Antonio, Texas. Cascarones are usually made during Easter time.?Having a cascar?n broken over one’s head is said to bring good luck.
How could you not be excited about making these eggs that have such a rich history. This is one of the easiest traditions you can start with your family. ?In the weeks before you want to make confetti eggs you will need to start saving the egg shells when you cook.
The next step is to dye the egg shells. ?I used cheap commercial dye. ?They came out bright and happy.
The final step is to fill the eggs with confetti. ?In a fun twist to this tradition I add glitter to one egg.
To finish the eggs close them with a piece of tissue paper that has been dipped into white glue or Modge Podge.
??The Rules
(if you want to follow them!)
?These can be downloaded here.
What a wonderfully unique idea. I am sure the kids will not only love making them, they will enjoy celebrating with them. Although, I am not to keen on the idea that men from Italy threw them at women they thought were attractive-not sure that would be the kind of flattery that one would want.
Those are incredibly cool! I would love to make some this year for Easter!