Everyone likes to think ahead when it comes to gift buying. Valentine?s Day is really only a month away so?you better start preparing for it now. There are many reasons why you should start purchasing your gifts early. One of the main reasons is so you do not have to rush around at the last minute. It?s also important to put some kind of thought into your gift. There is nothing worse than purchasing a gift for your ?other half? that has no sentimental value.?? I usually have no problem purchasing a gift for my other half, but sometimes he has trouble picking out stuff for me.
Our anniversary is really close to Valentine?s Day, so picking out a gift can be extra hard. Do you pick out two gifts? Or do you pick out one gift for each occasion? The best advice I can give you in regards to buying gifts is to choose them from the heart. Pick out gifts that she (or he) will love and watch the sparks fly.
- Choose gifts for her that are not too complicated. No one wants a complicated gift that they cannot figure out. Keep it simple and watch how you melt her heart. Remember, that personalization is a great tool when you are trying to impress someone. Personalizing a gift shows that you took that extra time to care.
- Anniversary gifts should always be extra special. Take the guess work out of your anniversary gift and plan in advance. One of the top reasons for fights on anniversaries is that someone forgot the gift. Do not let that happen to you this year!
- The third most popular time to buy your other half a gift is when shopping for a birthday gift . Birthdays should be super special! Purchase a gift that is devoted just to her (or him). Make the whole day about your other half and you might find yourself on their good side.
Really, purchasing a gift does not have to be rocket science. Put the other person before yourself and you will have good results. No matter what the occasion is, birthday, Valentine?s, or even an anniversary, you have the tools to get the best gift out there. Start early so that you are not late.
What is the worst gift you have ever received?
I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day so I haven’t received a bad gift ever. There were a couple of times years and years ago that I received chocolate covered strawberries and found out I do not like them – I ate the chocolate off and then at the strawberries separate. lol
As long as the gift comes from your heart you can’t go wrong.
The worst gift I ever received from my husband was a shirt for my birthday…. I went ALL out for his birthday to his favorite restaurant and I gave him a super thoughtful gift and when it came time for my birthday… I got a shirt. That’s it. Thankfully, he’s gotten better at gift giving since then!
Shannon F.