The Chicco Cortina KeyFit 30 Travel System featured in this post were provided for review.? All thoughts and opinions remain my own, as always. Be sure to check out the giveaway located at the bottom of the post!
We are so excited to welcome our third child, Brynlee, this winter.? I’ve learned so much about baby gear and carseat safety since our first child was born in 2008.? Back then, I found a design I liked and purchased the travel system without a second thought.? Now, I am passionate about keeping children safe in the vehicle and recently became a child passenger safety technician.? Did you know that not all infant seats fit small babies well?? It’s true, but it’s not a well known fact.? I first worked with the Chicco KeyFit 30 during my child passenger safety technician course and fell head over heels for the ease of use and fantastic features on this infant seat.? If you notice the word “easy” over and over again, it’s because the Chicco KeyFit 30 is the easiest infant seat I’ve ever installed.
The Chicco Cortina Travel System offers a stroller, carseat, and base.? The design showcased is the new “Stix” print which is a lovely charcoal gray.
Chicco KeyFit 30 Details
The Chicco KeyFit 30 is rated to fit infants at 4 pounds .? It comes with a newborn insert which can be used for babies who weigh between 4 and 11 pounds.? You must discontinue use of the newborn insert when the child weighs more than 11 pounds.? The Chicco KeyFit30 is outgrown when the child reaches 30lbs or 30 inches.
There are three methods of installation available. When using the base, choose either LATCH or the vehicle belt.? If installing without the base, you will install with a locked vehicle belt.? If you vehicle belts do not lock, you’ll need a locking clip.? A tightly rolled towel is permitted if need to achieve the correct angle when installing the KeyFit 30 without the base.? As a tech, I am often asked “Which install is safer- LATCH or vehicle belt?”? You should use the method that gives you the best and most solid install with less than 1 inch of movement at the belt path.

Base install using LATCH
Chicco KeyFit Base Features
The infant base features a storage compartment which is a nice because you can keep your carseat user guide in it.? The base can be installed with LATCH connectors or with the vehicle belt using the shoulder belt lockoff on the base.? The base also includes a recline foot, recline button, and recline indicator to help you achieve the correct installation angle.? You’ll find an easy to use LATCH system that includes storage for when not in use and a simple LATCH pull strap to secure the LATCH connectors.

Chicco KeyFit 30 base install using vehicle belt and shoulder belt lockoff.
I found each installation method super easy and solid which makes the Chicco KeyFit 30 amazingly user friendly.? The handle can be in any locked position while in the vehicle.? We had plenty of room front-to-back with the KeyFit 30 installed in my Honda Odyssey.? I know that can be a concern for those with smaller vehicles.? The baseless install freed up even more room front-to-back, but I prefer to use the base simply because it’s easier to take the seat in and out quickly.

Chicco KeyFit 30 installation using vehicle belt without base .
The included newborn insert and harness strap covers make for a comfortable seat for infants. I love the Chicco includes harness strap covers and the insert with the KeyFit 30 because aftermarket products are not recommended to use. Kudos to Chicco for taking the extra step to test those and include them with the seat!? The one-pull harness adjuster allows for quick and proper fitting every time.? The chest clip and buckle are both easy to use and I would consider them grandparent friendly.? Overall, I just love the Chicco KeyFit 30 from top to bottom and I cannot wait to use it with Brynlee! There is not a single thing about it that I don’t like or would change.
Chicco Cortina Stroller Details
The Chicco Cortina stroller has an aluminum frame and is loaded with features to keep baby comfortable while offer convenience for parents.? One of my favorite things about the Chicco Cortina stroller is the fully-reclining seats which works with a handle-like lever located on the back of the seat.? One pull and you can lock the seat into any position.? It completely reclines to a flat position then you can fold up the bottom to make a little bassinet-like bed perfect for tiny infants.? It also offers Memory Recline so it remembers the position you last left in before folding!? How neat is that?
The child tray guarantees that your child has place for drinks and snacks with two cup-holders and nice snack tray.? On the parent tray, you’ll find another cup-holder and a storage compartment perfect for holding keys.? The folding handle is also located on the parent tray.? The height-adjustable handles makes sure that mom and dad can both be comfortable while pushing the Chicco Cortina stroller.? Another excellent feature on this stroller is the spacious basket which is always accessible, even with the seat fully reclined.
The Chicco Cortina Stroller includes locking wheels, linked rear brakes, and a 5 point harness.? Of course, it also compatible with the KeyFit 30.? While the Cortina is not an all-terrain stroller, it does feature all-wheel suspension and is perfect for strolling sidewalks, shopping, or any place with mostly smooth surfaces.? The Cortina can be used from birth to 36 months and up to 50 pounds.
You can find the Chicco Cortina Travel System Stroller available for purchase at Babies R Us currently priced at $349.99 or at our affiliate Amazon with prices starting as low as 295.99.? Click here to current pricing at
Be sure to check out our review of the Chicco NextFit Convertible Car Seat.
My favorite feature is the child tray. Our current stroller doesn’t have that.
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I love that the stroller seat reclines to make like a bassinet seat for new babies.
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I LIKE Chicco Baby on Facebook Stephanie Phelps
I love that it can be used from birth to 36 months
love how easy it is to work
I would love this for all the grandkids so we do not have to trade cars all the time to use the stroller
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Follow on bloglovin kathypersons
I’d love to win because I’ve never had anything but an umbrella stroller for 4 kids and 3 grandkids
I love the tray in front for sippy cups and snacks.
I like the child tray!
Thanks for the chance.
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I like Chicco on Facebook as Mary Happymommy.
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I really like the one pull latch system!! I would love to win because I am expecting our third little girl in November this year and we still have no carseat for her!! :)
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I would love to win this for my niece. She just had her baby two days ago. My favorite feature is the all-wheel suspension.
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I entered another giveaway. CHINET SUMMER PARTY PACK GIVEAWAY!
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My favorite feature is the child tray and storage basket underneath! I also love the cushy infant padding on the car seat!
I love that the seat on the stroller fully reclines! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to win it for my niece. This would be perfect.
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I would love to win for our soon to be baby!
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for my niece
I would love to win for my sister who is expecting her first baby.
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I entered your Fisher Nuts giveaway.
I love that this is the complete system that all fits together from base to carseat to stroller.
My favorite feature is the adjustable height handle. There is over a foot in height difference between my husband and myself so this would be perfect for us.
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I would love to win this because it has all the bells and whistles that my old Graco doesn’t have.
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I love the safety features, especially the 5 point harness
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I love that it has rear linked brakes!
I entered the fisher nuts giveaway
I love the 5 point harness
I would love to win because I recently found out I am going to be a mother again and I just turned 40. I am having to start all over again.
This would be great for my new nephew.
i would love to win this because i would feel safer having this than i do with the one we currently have. also this is so nice and we would really love it!
My sister is a first time mom so I would love to win this for her because I only want the best products for my niece.
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I love the spacious basket even when the seat is fully reclined.
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Laura Lee
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I want to win this for my cousin.
I’d love to win this for my sister!