Do you enjoy sending out or receiving post cards? Well, there are many things you could use post cards for. If you own your own business, postcards are a inexpensive way to get the word out to potential clients. You can also use them for birthdays, birth announcements, invitations, holiday greetings, etc.
The holidays are approaching and one of my favorite things about the holidays is sending yearly Christmas greetings to family and friends. I usually send out a picture of my children with our Christmas card but this year Uprinting is offering a wonderful option.).
UPrinting is offering 100 postcards to One Lucky Winner!
This giveaway is open to USA onlyHow to Enter:
Mandatory First Entry: Tell me how and for what you would use your prize of 100 postcards. Leave your answer in a comment.
1st mandatory entry must be complete if you wish to qualify for additional entries. All extra entries that do not do the mandatory entry will be deleted.ADDITIONAL ENTRIESExtra entries:
- Sign up to receive my feeds by email (1 entry)
- Follow me on twitter @momcocktails (1 entry)
- Follow my blog via blogger or google friend connect (1entry)
- Follow uprinting on twitter @uprinting (1 entry)
- Fan Uprinting on Facebook (1entry)
- Tweet about this giveaway and include @momcocktails, @uprinting and #giveaway in your tweet (1 entry)
- Post about this giveaway on your blog, linking back to this post and (5 entries)
Please be sure your email is visible. Winners will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond . Prize will be shipped directly by UPrinting
Edited to add:
Last week I was having a problem with the layout of this site. The problem ended up being the original post for this giveaway and the only way to correct the problem was to rewrite and republish the post. There was a problem with doing that though, there were already 4 entries to the giveaway. To be fair to those entrants I am posting their coments and entries here and they will be entrants #1 -4. The entries in the comment section of this post will start with #5 and continue up from there.
Shannon said…
I think these would be nifty for birthday invites! That’s what I’d use them for.
October 20, 2009 9:20 AM
Kristin said…
I would use them as Christmas cards with a picture of my kids.
October 20, 2009 1:02 PM
Jay said…
It would be a great way to announce new baby!
Donnetta said…
I would use them for holiday cards.
October 21, 2009 6:34 PM
Thanks to UPrinting for sponsoring this giveaway. I will be receiving 100 postcards for helping to spread the word about UPrinting’s postcards. I was not paid for this post.
Okay, I need these! I love, and I could use these to dress up the tables at my upcoming Atlanta event this December. Pick me, pick me…LOL!!! Love your site, by the way!
Now following you on Twitter.
Following your blog now. Let the cocktail flowing begin :)
I would use them as holiday cards.
I would use these to print my save-the-dates for my wedding, which I just finished designing. Thanks for the giveaway!
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