Keeping an updated site or blog can be challenging.? Coming up with great content can sometimes leave you mentally drained and drain your enthusiasm about blogging.?? I sometimes found myself in that position and?could have easily fallen in the ranks of what they call a slacker.??I wanted to blog, I knew I needed to blog but couldn?t find the motivation.
Most of the time?readers can?pick up on when?content goes stale?and so can the search engines.???This is where a content management system can come in handy.??It puts you in charge of updating your own content and the direction it goes.? Something like business intelligent software wouldn?t be all that helpful in this case.? ?So the next question to myself was how do I get the inspiration flowing, keep the excitement about blogging and please my readers with Fresh content!
Below are a few ideas that may help get the ideas flowing, help keep your website up to date and giving your readers what they, ?Fresh Content.?
?1. Tell your blog’s story.?? Share with readers the purpose behind your blog or what direction it has taken since you began blogging.
2.?Look at Google’s trending topics ?and write a post based on what people are searching for right now.??
3.? Read the latest weird news and write your own post about it.
4.? Turn a negative comment into a positive post.
5.? Write a FAQ post about yourself.
6.? Create a top 10 List
7.? Check your spam box or junk mail at home. The crazy offers you get make a great post.
?8.? Write about your favorite me time indulgences.?
9.? Start a weekly feature (on a hobby, recipes or other niche topic).
10.? Create a best of the year list, such as the top stories for moms, top products of the year etc.
These are only a few ideas to get you started.? So what are some of your blogging ideas?
?Lets keep the ideas rolling.
Great stuff, a very good read – added to bookmarks so will pop back for new content and to read other people’s comments. Thanks again.